14th Degree   7th Element = Curiosity for more than  Means Phase = 2
Curiosity for More
Curiosity for more than Means
Curiosity for more than Means
The 28 Degrees thru every Potential
4 Being the Potential 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
3 Enhancing the Means 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
2 Means to achieve Potential 8 9 10 11 12 13 You Are Here.
1 Awareness of a Potential 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 Phases of a Potential
Elements focus on similar Traits thru each Phase and are shown in the same color.
7 Elements thru each Phase
Awareness Desiring
Doing Knowing Feeling Merging Curiosity

Summary: It all begins with Awareness
It all begins with Awareness
To get better every day, in one specific way, on the 14th Day, Degree #14 focuses on developing your Curiosity to become more than the Means to achieve the Potential.
The 7th Element thru each Phase develops your Curiosity.
The 2nd Phase develops the Means to achieve a Potential.
The 7th Element thru the 2nd Phase is the 14th Degree thru a Potential and develops the Curiosity to become more than the traits developed during the 2nd Phase.
During the 6th Element of Merging, the focus was on becoming the Ideal of that Phase. The 7th Element develops Curiosity to avoid being Fixated with the Ideal and to explore for even higher growth.
It all begins with Awareness
Means make it happen
The suggestion to progress thru Degree #14, is to explore and strengthen your Curiosity to develop more the Means to achieve a Potential.   

For this introduction, we'll focus on strengthening your Curiosity to develop more than the Means to achieve the Foundation and all of the 12 Potentials of a progressing Ego.

Write on a piece of paper the Means to achieve the Foundation and all of the 12 Potentials from the and listing the Means from 1 thru 12.
You should be able to write these from memory. If you need to review them, please review Degree #11.

Curiosity for more than the Means to achieve a Potential is the 14th of 28 Degrees thru the Potential and a great foundation. Keep on keeping on, for you're half way there.
For Extra Credit of the Spiritual Kind: Attitudes and Actions determine Altitude
Enhancing the Means
make it happen faster
Extra Credit will be presented for each Degree for a little expeditious goosing of growth.
For extra credit, spend five minutes thinking about your Curiosity for the many new adventures and experiences you'll have during your plan for growth. Growth means never being stagnant. And growth opens you up for many new experiences.
Being Curious to become more than having the Ideal of the Means to achieve a Potential is only the beginning, it's the 14th of 28 Degrees to achieve each Potential.
It all begins with Awareness
Being Awareness
For Advancement into the next Degree:
Curiosity to be more than the Means to achieve a Potential is the beginning,, you must build upon your Curiosity to develop an Enhancement that improves upon the Means.
When being Curious of a higher Phase is part of your Spirit, you are ready to progress.
You will progress into the 15th Degree, when your Curiosity to Become more than just having the Means to develop the Potential and you begin to explore for an Enhancement that will improve upon the Means to better achieve the Potential.

Only you can Self Actualize your Potentials.
Build on your Curiosity, explore Degree #15 : Enter here for the 15th Degree of every Potential. Awareness of Enhancement to Means
28 Degrees

For more on Right Attitude, click here.

Explore your Potentials for a Progressing Ego thru a of Signs and

By our actions, we create our fate.

Enhance this exploration ... Personalize it, make it your own progression thru your Potentials.
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